
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm So Excited!

And...I just can't hide it.

I got a job!

Yup, that's right, I got a job. A full time job, a forever job if I want it to be. I am so excited! What is it you are probably wondering. Well, I will be a Pre-K teacher at a Children's Center. Lily will be able to go with me at a very reduced rate. It's going to be so fun. Here is the short little story of how I found the job and got hired.

I went to sub at a school in a kindergarten classroom last Thursday. I have been subbing in kindergarten a lot and have grown to love the little guys. They are hard work and always keep you on your toes but, they are also a LOT of fun. So, I had never been to this particular classroom before. The teacher was there testing kids. I had a couple of preps and lunch and was able to get to know the teacher a bit. We got to talking and one thing led to another and I ended up telling her how I wasn't sure about subbing any more because I needed something consistent and subbing wasn't providing enough for my family. I had also mentioned that I was thinking of looking outside of elementary education because there just isn't any jobs in my area. I also had childcare as an issue too. As it turns out, one of her student's mothers owns two childcare centers and was just in asking her if she knows any credentialed teachers looking for work. So the teacher thought I would be perfect for it and gave me the contact information for the owner. I called the very next day (Friday) and spent the majority of the day missing her. I finally left my info. for her to contact me, thinking it was not going to happen. That night, she called! We talked a bit over the phone, telling each other what our needs are. She invited me to come in Monday for an interview. I told her about my daughter and that she would need a place too. She said she would find out if there was a position available for her but, she thought she heard that they were full for Lily's age. I was bummed but, still hopeful. She said she would let me know on Monday. All weekend I prayed about it. I also found out that Adam is still facing the loss of full time hours. I thought out the pros and cons of taking this job if it was offered to me. I also thought about how perfect the timing was and how it could really only be God that set this all in motion because it found me, I was not searching for a job just thinking about it. The pros definitely out weigh the cons. I went into the interview Monday morning confident in myself, only nervous about a place for Lily. I am more than qualified to have this job. I am a certified teacher after all. I was there for my interview for an hour and a half. I was being interviewed and I was also interviewing them as a parent. It not only had to work for me as a teacher but, it also needed to be a place where I would feel safe putting my child in. I saw nothing but fantastic things happening. Lily will be safe there but, more than that she will learn and have fun. She will be beyond kindergarten ready by the time she is ready to go to kindergarten,especially since she is a year older than most since her birthday falls in September. As for me, I was worried that I would feel like I was wasting my potential as a highly qualified teacher at a daycare. My mind was put to rest when I saw that they do mostly teaching activities. Yes, the children do a lot of fun activities but, they are there to learn. What I saw that the children were learning was what they teach kids in kindergarten in my local school district. (Ex. parts of a bug are head, thorax, abdomen) I told them I am a reading teacher with a passion for reading and developing a life long love for reading in students. They asked me how I would incorporate that into kids so young. They are all for the reading plan I gave them and are letting me have full reign with what I want to do. So, after my tour and all of our questions for each other she took me back to the office. The initial interview was with the owners, the lady I spoke with and her husband, as well as the director of the center. They fired questions at me and I answered. They all really liked what I had to say and agreed with everything, I even got them laughing a few times. Go me! Anyway, back in the office she talked to me about a spot for Lily. Turns out, there is ONE spot available at Lily's age level. She told me what I would have to pay and what I would be paid. She asked if that was doable and it definitely is! She then said, I normally don't do this, I like to take a day to think about it but, I would like to offer you the job. She was so excited to have me, she really felt like I would be a good fit there and that I would enjoy having Lily there too. She shook my hand and welcomed me to the family. And for the record, I wasn't the only candidate, she told me they had over 40 people apply for the job. It really seems like a great establishment. It worked out so perfectly and I can't wait. I start June 1st! Thank you for letting me share my exciting news with you!


Mom said...

How exciting! I have done my fair share working at preschools and do not have the patience for the age level you are working at! My specialty was always with toddlers between age 1 and 2.5. Have fun! It sounds like you will do a great job and how awesome that you also found a great place for Lily. The one place I worked at in Spokane, I would NEVER take my own child to! That is awfully sad considering I was a staff member :( Anyways, enjoy these last few weeks with just you and Lily! I'm sure she will LOVE daycare!

Holly said...

It's a private daycare in the very "well to do" area of South Hill. There are a lot of scuzzy daycares out there (one right across the street from my house) that no way would I work in let alone put my child in. This is not the case, I would rather sub. All the teachers are highly qualified and the facility is really nice. They are working towards getting an accredited kindergarten that they want me to be the teacher of so I can put my degree to use officially. There is room for growth at the establishment and it's experience to get another job down the road if I decide to do that.

I think Lily will love it too. I am only concerned about the nap time because they just lay on mats with a blanket. She is used to being in a crib or a bed and with no one around and very dark. It will take some getting used to and I hope she doesn't cry. At least I will be right there if there is a problem. And...I probably worry too much.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Holly!! I am so excited for you, Adam, and Lily, and the joy & peace this new opportunity will bring. Although we may not be looking or seeking at that very moment, the Lord always knows where we need to be and will help us get there!! Best of luck, and I look forward to posts to see how it goes and how Lily does in this fun, new environment.

Holly said...

Thank you Deona! I am looking forward to seeing how Lily does too!

Mom said...

I agree about worrying too much... I am the same way about nap and bed time when we travel out of town. It drives my family and in-laws nuts that I am so specific about our schedule and sleep environment for Aidan!

Glad it's a great center. The one I worked at had NO "program" in the toddler room for almost a year before I got there. The only reason I took that position was because I felt the kids really needed some structure, rather then a babysitter :(

That would be AWESOME if you could run the kindergarten program there! How great for you and your family. I am really am happy for you Holly!!!!

Holly said...

Thank you Ashley!

I have people the question why I am so structured and strict on Lily's routine too. She needs that to have successful days. I don't want her to feel confused about anything that has to do with her basic needs being met. I want her to be flexible and to learn to deal with change in a positive way but, I don't want her to have so much change that she feels like her world is upside down. The things I can control-routine, structure, etc I will do so with all my power to keep the routine and structure. I don't care what anyone thinks about it. I know what my child needs and I truly believe every child needs routine that they are familiar with. I could go on and on, it's a lot of what I see in the public schools, students who struggle drastically because they don't have consistency at home. It's heart breaking and such an easy fix.