
Sunday, November 22, 2009


I have been absent from the blog world because I have recently joined Team Edward in the Twilight Saga. By joined I mean have been totally consumed by to the point of slightly obsessed. I watched the first movie and just had to read the books. So between a couple different friends I borrowed all 4 books and read all of them in 8 days. They are the BEST fiction books I have EVER read! I went and saw New Moon, the 2nd one of the Saga in theaters opening weekend and was completely impressed and am SOOO excited to see Eclipse in June.

I am asking for the series of books for Christmas. I really hope I get it! I can't wait to read the books again only I am going to take more time to read them, to really soak up every word and reflect on the story, the love between Edward and Bella and even Bella and Jacob.

Yesterday I was blessed with the chance to have a complete girl's day. Two friends of mine and I went to see New Moon then after the movie we went to the Custer's Christmas Arts and Craft Fair. The day was so much fun! I made Bella hats for us girls. It was the hat the Bella wore at La Push beach in Twilight. I think the girls liked them. The girl's day was definitely needed and I am so grateful that my husband agreed to letting me go.

Lily has given up crawling probably 95% of the time. She is so cute when she walks and she is getting faster and faster. She tries to run but her little body just doesn't work that way yet. She also said the word kiss today for the first time and right after she said it she puckered her lips to give me a kiss. It was the cutest thing!

Lily has definitely entered toddler-hood full force. She is very stubborn and throws many temper tantrums. We endured our first public temper tantrum a couple of weeks ago. It was NOT good. But, we survived and I know we are not the only people to have gone through this nor will we be the last and nor will that be the last time we ourselves go through a public temper tantrum. She is a good, sweet girl, she is just a toddler and mostly I think what frustrates her is the inability to communicate her needs to us. For that reason, I am really looking forward to her being able to talk more. As far as discipline goes, I have implemented time out which she doesn't really get right now, I have also spanked her-she gets spanked for things that are dangerous, touching the TV or buttons near the TV and for unwinding the toilet paper. I only spank her for those because nothing else was working. She actually rarely touches the toilet paper any more since spanking her for it. She has a tendency to scratch, hit, bite, and bang her head on the ground when she is mad. When she scratches, hits, or bites I just hold her hands down and firmly tell her that she can't do that because it's not nice and it hurts people. This is where I have implemented the time out. Discipline definitely take a LOT of work and it is definitely something that requires consistency. But she is a toddler and while I want to raise a well behaved child and will discipline her to the best of my ability and be consistent a lot of her behavior just goes with the territory of being a toddler.

We are part of a small group now. We meet on Sunday night and we have been doing it for a month or more. We really like it. It is nice to be a part of something, to work on bettering ourselves as Christians, and to fellowship with our friends. Plus, we have grown closer to these friends and that in it self has been an answer to my prayers as we haven't really had any friends that both Adam and I clicked with until now. We have always had my friends and his friends, they have never been one in the same until now.

Adam passed one of his kidney stones last week which was a HUGE blessing. We was schedule to have a procedure this coming Wednesday to remove the stone. Now, he doesn't have to have it and we don't have to pay for a second procedure as we are struggling with paying for the first failed procedure. He still has the other stone but it is supposed to be smaller so God willing, he will pass that one on his own without any more trips to the ER or without a procedure.

Adam also gets to have an 11 or so hour work week. He works Monday and a very partial day on Tuesday then he is off the rest of the week. I am so excited for him to be able to relax at home. He has spent the majority of his vacation time and sick time on days off because of his kidney stones. So it wasn't like he was enjoying his time off. I hope he enjoys this week off, he deserves a break.

I had a pretty nasty cold and passed it down to Lily. I ended up having to take her to the doctor where she was put on nebulizer. That hasn't been so much fun. She tolerates it ok I suppose. After over a week of Lily being sick she is finally improved but still has lots of junk in her chest that she needs to get out.

Well I think that is about it. I will try to put some pictures of Lily up soon. I have some good ones to share!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Holly- I am so glad you were able to come for Girl's Day! I also, really LOVE the hat. The scarf was a wonderful added "treat"! Can't wait for movie night!!!!